Grand Opening at Ben Clark Training Center

This week the Riverside Community College District, Moreno Valley College, and the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department celebrated with Tilden-Coil and Holt Architecture the grand opening of the Correctional Training Platform at the Ben Clark Training Center (BCTC). BCTC is one of Southern California’s largest public safety training centers that offers thorough law enforcement, fire, and correctional public safety training and is one of the first to have a training facility like this. Riverside County Sheriff, Chad Bianco said, "It was a combined effort to make this building possible.”
In collaboration with Holt Architecture, our team completed the new 3,600 sf facility under budget and well ahead of schedule. This new building provides a training facility that replicates the real-life conditions of a detention center environment that is used by the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department, which is the fourth largest sheriff’s agency in the country. Bianco stated, “It’s a fantastic facility inside here that not only is going to allow us to train our deputies the best way we possibly can, the most modern way we possibly can, but it’s going to allow us to train to make it safer for inmates.”
After the celebratory ribbon cutting of the new facility, self-guided tours were available. Dr. Robin Steinback, President of Moreno Valley College, expressed her gratitude saying, “This project would not have happened without the dedication and competence of everyone involved.” We are happy to have been part of the team that completed this monumental and significant addition to the Ben Clark Training Center.
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